Use Ebay??? Read this! Warning! UPDATED


Hey Bloggy friends!

You may remember the following post from end of october... well... im sorry to say i'm back again if you've already read this just skip to the bit in BLUE! :-)

As a hard working person and a crafter our pennys are very dear to us! So i've decieded to come forward and Name and Shame an ebayer! Please feel free to share this post around with anyone you know who sells on ebay! This person buys internationally too so please be aware it's not just us in the UK.

The person in question is called VICKY HALL, She uses the ebay account STEVEH2743 Under the name of Steve Hall.

21/11/2012 - We now are aware that she is also using the name - beaveringawayatcraft 

Her following suit goes as so...

Bids on items (usually rubber stamps), doesn't pay straight away when you email / ebay message her to ask when to expect payment she'll email you back saying she's had paypal issues and was trying to sort them out LIE NUMBER ONE
Around 3-4 weeks later she'll ebay message you again asking when you sent the stamps (all nicey nicey as if shes your best friend and known you for years) as they've not turned up
You'll obviously respond with details then she'll message back saying she's checked with neighbours BLAH BLAH BLAH do you see where i'm going??? anyway... she then says that i have to claim through royal mail to get money back! then opens a paypal dispute to get money back leaving me in a negative balance! BUT.... She opens the dispute between 40-43 days after purchased (you only get 45 days on paypal to claim) funny that! AND WHY WAIT OVER A MONTH TO MESSAGE ME TO SAY THEY NOT ARRIVED??? HMM ANOTHER LIE!

Now why am i naming and shaming??

I Can prove she has done this to a number of crafters in last 4-6 months including myself my blog buddys Deb Jennet and Debs Mitchell as well as others, i'm not just talking one or two people... i can also prove she's been doing this since 2007! The only reason i found out because it was dodgy time frames of messages and i googled her ebay user name, ok her feedback is private but whats NOT private is the negatives she leaves on others accounts! two and two together! FRAUD!!! 
As you know from my pizza fraud i'm the wrong kinda gal to con!!! i'm not letting it go! I am seeking legal advice! and will be reporting to the police for investigation.

I have reported her to ebay, paypal and made hundreds aware of her, for fraud that's what it is at the end of the day!!! If you have been affected by her please REPORT her to ebay and paypal (feel free to mention my name too as it'll back your case up!) Otherwise BLOCK HER from bidding on your items (google block buyer ebay and follow steps) to stop it happening to you! She is stealing and frauding innocent people and crafters like us!!!

Please please share! 
Sorry for the negative post but i'd hate it to happen to you!

Thanks for stopping by! xoxo

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Hey Bloggy friends!

You may remember the following post from end of october... well... im sorry to say i'm back again if you've already read this just skip to the bit in BLUE! :-)

As a hard working person and a crafter our pennys are very dear to us! So i've decieded to come forward and Name and Shame an ebayer! Please feel free to share this post around with anyone you know who sells on ebay! This person buys internationally too so please be aware it's not just us in the UK.

The person in question is called VICKY HALL, She uses the ebay account STEVEH2743 Under the name of Steve Hall.

21/11/2012 - We now are aware that she is also using the name - beaveringawayatcraft 

Her following suit goes as so...

Bids on items (usually rubber stamps), doesn't pay straight away when you email / ebay message her to ask when to expect payment she'll email you back saying she's had paypal issues and was trying to sort them out LIE NUMBER ONE
Around 3-4 weeks later she'll ebay message you again asking when you sent the stamps (all nicey nicey as if shes your best friend and known you for years) as they've not turned up
You'll obviously respond with details then she'll message back saying she's checked with neighbours BLAH BLAH BLAH do you see where i'm going??? anyway... she then says that i have to claim through royal mail to get money back! then opens a paypal dispute to get money back leaving me in a negative balance! BUT.... She opens the dispute between 40-43 days after purchased (you only get 45 days on paypal to claim) funny that! AND WHY WAIT OVER A MONTH TO MESSAGE ME TO SAY THEY NOT ARRIVED??? HMM ANOTHER LIE!

Now why am i naming and shaming??

I Can prove she has done this to a number of crafters in last 4-6 months including myself my blog buddys Deb Jennet and Debs Mitchell as well as others, i'm not just talking one or two people... i can also prove she's been doing this since 2007! The only reason i found out because it was dodgy time frames of messages and i googled her ebay user name, ok her feedback is private but whats NOT private is the negatives she leaves on others accounts! two and two together! FRAUD!!! 
As you know from my pizza fraud i'm the wrong kinda gal to con!!! i'm not letting it go! I am seeking legal advice! and will be reporting to the police for investigation.

I have reported her to ebay, paypal and made hundreds aware of her, for fraud that's what it is at the end of the day!!! If you have been affected by her please REPORT her to ebay and paypal (feel free to mention my name too as it'll back your case up!) Otherwise BLOCK HER from bidding on your items (google block buyer ebay and follow steps) to stop it happening to you! She is stealing and frauding innocent people and crafters like us!!!

Please please share! 
Sorry for the negative post but i'd hate it to happen to you!

Thanks for stopping by! xoxo

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8 Lil messages from my bloggy friends!:

Unknown 31 October 2012 at 17:07  

Hi, sorry to hear about this, I really do hope you manage to fix things .. and thanks for letting us know xxx

scrappymo! 31 October 2012 at 17:28  

Thanks for the heads up!!!

LilyPuss Cards 31 October 2012 at 17:31  

Hi CarlyAnn...I have had a run in with her...she didnt pay so I openned a dispute and she said that she thought she had paid...she paid up and I sent the goodies by recorded delivery she then said she didnt get them and I then told her a S Hall signed for them...not a word since...a friend had the same problem with her as you did and reported her to amazes me that ebay hasnt blocked her.
Good luck with the investigation

Cazzy 31 October 2012 at 23:15  

Well done you, I hope she gets what is coming to her!

Mrs A. 1 November 2012 at 19:02  

Good for you. Thanks for the warning. More naming and shaming should be done to hightlight these nasty goings on. Hugs Mrs A.

Diane 1 November 2012 at 22:08  

Hi CarlyAnn, I am Jan's friend and another victim if the lovely Vicky.
She bought a rubber stamp for £9 from me and paid after about a week. About 4 weeks later, she emailed me calling me hun and babe, asking politely if I'd posted her stamp as she hadn't received it. I gave her the postage details, date, place of posting and certificate of posting details from the PO but 5 days later she opened a case against me and as I couldn't prove she had received it, ebay awarded in her favour and gave her her money back, from my account so I had no money and no stamp! Then about 4 weeks later she bought a further £30 worth of stamps and I thought it strange as she had not received the first stamp so why would she risk not receiving these - until the penny dropped. So, without telling her, I sent the stamps to her by recorded delivery so she would have to sign for them.Sure enough, 4 weeks later she emailed me again sweetly asking if I'd posted them as she hadn't received the stamps. I emailed back telling her is was strange that her parcels went missing but she'd best check with her husband as he'd signed for them the day after I'd posted them. I received back the most disgusting, abusive email threatening me and saying I was the cheat for trying to catch her out and she'd done nothing wrong.
I blocked her from buying any more stuff from me and reported her to ebay but was disappointed to see that she was still buying a few months later.
I send all my stuff recorded delivery now - it costs the customer more and is more hassle for me but at least I won't fall foul to another unscrupulous cheating buyer lie the charming Vicky. I hope the police do investigate her and I would be happy if they contacted me too so I can let them know of my expereince with her

Sweetncrafty Gal 2 November 2012 at 07:21  

Hiya Diane, Omg! how awful, it seems she is using almost the exact same method and words each time! Shockingly well not so much as a shock i've track down her husband... still waiting for that phone call back... they're nothing more than scam artists and it's so wrong we're all out of pocket yet paypal will side with her unless it's recorded, i intend to send all my ebay parcels now with recorded and if the people who bid don't like it tough. can you e-mail me at and ask jan to too just so i have your contact details incase police do want them xxx

Sweetncrafty Gal 2 November 2012 at 07:23  

Jan hunni could you email me at so i have your contact details incase police need info i've got a huge list going on hehe, it's so unfair what shes doing to people i'm not letting her get away with it anymore! xx

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