Washi-tapes!!! **discount code**


Morning all!

I'm here this morning to share a few things i've been working on! I'm such a bad blogger of late life has gotten in the way and i've not done much as i've had to deal with things life throws at ya! so apologies for those who follow me!!! i'll be back in the swing of things soon!!!

Alot of you know i'm addicted to my smash* ing at the moment and i've gotten into 12x12 scrapbooking of late as well! seems card making has taken a step back at the moment! but hey ho! one of the tools or embellishments i love whilst scrapping and smash*ing and also can be used for cardmaking is WASHI TAPES!

They seem to be ever popular at the moment and i know for one my tape collection is growing by the day! 

This was a few weeks ago's photo but now it's grown out of the drawer onto a cake stand i'll have to dig another piccy when my battery is charged!

but i'm well into the 130's now lol opps!

Where can you buy them you ask??

Washi Tapes is run by a lovely lady with an addiction to these beautiful tapes! There postage is only £1.99 or free over £50 and they also ship internationally!!!

As a reader of my blog!!! i have a special discount code for you!!! enabling to save you 10% off your next order! it's only valid one time per person! (so you'll have to keep an eye on my blog for future codes! hehe)


Just enter this code in the relevant code box at the checkout to save!!!

so here's some smash* pages i've created using these wonderful tapes!

I also have a number of links below to my smash* videos i've posted on youtube so you can see these pages and more!!! using these fantastic tapes, i'll be posting more projects soon! you can use them for absolutly anything from decorating pages, cards, houshold items the list is endless!!!

*My Smash Folio (blue) part 1
*My Smash* Folio (blue) part 2
*My Orange Smash* Folio Part 1
*My Pink Smash* Folio Part 1
*My Black Smash* Folio Part 1
*Update to Orange Smash* Folio Part 2

just click the links to be taken to the videos! and don't forget your voucher code! prices start from £1!! how fab is that! 

Thanks for stopping by! xoxo
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Morning all!

I'm here this morning to share a few things i've been working on! I'm such a bad blogger of late life has gotten in the way and i've not done much as i've had to deal with things life throws at ya! so apologies for those who follow me!!! i'll be back in the swing of things soon!!!

Alot of you know i'm addicted to my smash* ing at the moment and i've gotten into 12x12 scrapbooking of late as well! seems card making has taken a step back at the moment! but hey ho! one of the tools or embellishments i love whilst scrapping and smash*ing and also can be used for cardmaking is WASHI TAPES!

They seem to be ever popular at the moment and i know for one my tape collection is growing by the day! 

This was a few weeks ago's photo but now it's grown out of the drawer onto a cake stand i'll have to dig another piccy when my battery is charged!

but i'm well into the 130's now lol opps!

Where can you buy them you ask??

Washi Tapes is run by a lovely lady with an addiction to these beautiful tapes! There postage is only £1.99 or free over £50 and they also ship internationally!!!

As a reader of my blog!!! i have a special discount code for you!!! enabling to save you 10% off your next order! it's only valid one time per person! (so you'll have to keep an eye on my blog for future codes! hehe)


Just enter this code in the relevant code box at the checkout to save!!!

so here's some smash* pages i've created using these wonderful tapes!

I also have a number of links below to my smash* videos i've posted on youtube so you can see these pages and more!!! using these fantastic tapes, i'll be posting more projects soon! you can use them for absolutly anything from decorating pages, cards, houshold items the list is endless!!!

*My Smash Folio (blue) part 1
*My Smash* Folio (blue) part 2
*My Orange Smash* Folio Part 1
*My Pink Smash* Folio Part 1
*My Black Smash* Folio Part 1
*Update to Orange Smash* Folio Part 2

just click the links to be taken to the videos! and don't forget your voucher code! prices start from £1!! how fab is that! 

Thanks for stopping by! xoxo
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2 Lil messages from my bloggy friends!:

Jenny S. (UK) 9 May 2012 at 10:35  

Hi Carlyann, thanks so much for the link here so I can use the code for my first buy of Washi tapes...could this become an obsession too? ...lol!!
Please if you visit my blog please ignore the fact that I stop and start over there, I have terrible problems with Blogger and also terrible problems with my mojo..and I really must do something about it.
Loads special hugs for this
Jenny Shickell xxx

Anonymous,  15 August 2012 at 09:02  

Nice items. Becomes better with the discounts too.
Uber Promotion Code Anaheim

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