What a weekend.... & Sneak peek...
Heya all!
Thought I would pop by and update my lil ole blog as i've been so very busy with work again!
Seems to be ruling my life at the moment (need that to stop lol)!!! I'm also busy up in my craft studio with new Design Team projects and would you believe Christmas projects! (i know im starting early this year!!)
What a weekend i've had my washing machine seemed to decided to blow up on us! (quite funny....
Hubby walks in holding a pair of black trousers up to only what i can describe as a cat had clawed all over! looked in washer nothing.... very strange sounds coming from it till it went bang and realise something had punched through the drum! so that was the end of that!!!
So i'm having to borrow my mums washer whilst ours is waiting delivery on Wednesday! eeek!!!
And also i made one of the biggest purchases i've ever made!!!.... sadly not on craft tho!
New sofa!!!!! well it's a corner one 3 seats corner then 2! i sooooooo can't wait for that to be delievered!
So my weekend has flown by with little time to craft so i'm off up to the land of ribbons and sparkle for a few hours before work tonight! But before i do as i'm not sure if i'll post before Thursday.... here's a little sneak peek of a project that's coming to my blog very soon....
Feel like him of the tele... can you guess what it is yet???
Thanks for stopping by today i'll catch up with you all soon!
Hugs C xxx

Heya all!
Thought I would pop by and update my lil ole blog as i've been so very busy with work again!
Seems to be ruling my life at the moment (need that to stop lol)!!! I'm also busy up in my craft studio with new Design Team projects and would you believe Christmas projects! (i know im starting early this year!!)
What a weekend i've had my washing machine seemed to decided to blow up on us! (quite funny....
Hubby walks in holding a pair of black trousers up to only what i can describe as a cat had clawed all over! looked in washer nothing.... very strange sounds coming from it till it went bang and realise something had punched through the drum! so that was the end of that!!!
So i'm having to borrow my mums washer whilst ours is waiting delivery on Wednesday! eeek!!!
And also i made one of the biggest purchases i've ever made!!!.... sadly not on craft tho!
New sofa!!!!! well it's a corner one 3 seats corner then 2! i sooooooo can't wait for that to be delievered!
So my weekend has flown by with little time to craft so i'm off up to the land of ribbons and sparkle for a few hours before work tonight! But before i do as i'm not sure if i'll post before Thursday.... here's a little sneak peek of a project that's coming to my blog very soon....
Feel like him of the tele... can you guess what it is yet???
Thanks for stopping by today i'll catch up with you all soon!
Hugs C xxx

3 Lil messages from my bloggy friends!:
Tease! LOL
Congrats on the new purchases, expected or not! New stuff is always fun!
Hi Carly hope your new Washer arrived safely and Rob's got some new trousers.....lol
Your new sofa sounds fabulous.I LOVE new furniture...
xx Vee
I love this card - and the sparkly shoes on the Tilda are so perfect - glad you've got so many ideas - i often suffer from a lack of ideas when i need to craft at speed.
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